

Bluetooth Support Service Setting

Bluetooth Support Service Setting

Part 1 of the solution is buried in this Microsoft Knowledgebase article:
And I quote:
How to make sure that the Bluetooth service is started
  1. Open the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in for Services. To do this, follow these steps.

    Windows Vista or Windows 7
    1. Click StartVista Start Button, copy and then paste (or type) the following command in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER: services.msc
    2. In the Programs list, click Services.
      Security Shield
      If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type the password, or click Continue.
    Windows XP
    1. Click Start, and then click Run.
    2. Copy and then paste (or type) the following command in the Open box, and then press ENTER: services.msc
  2. Double-click the Bluetooth Support service.
  3. If the Bluetooth Support service is stopped, click Start.
  4. On the Startup type list, click Automatic.
  5. Click the Log On tab.
  6. Click Local System account.
  7. Click OK.
  8. If you prompted to restart the computer, click Yes.
My log on settings were okay, but my Startup Type was set to “Manual” rather than “Automatic”. I changed it, like so:
Bluetooth Support Services Properties

Bluetooth Power Management Setting

But sadly, my problem wasn’t solved. So then I tried something else. I opened up Device Manager, expanded “Bluetooth Radios”, and double-clicked on the device to open its Properties page – not the enumerator, the device.
Double click the device (highlighted), not the enumerator
Double click the device (highlighted), not the enumerator
Go to the Power Management page and clear the checkbox “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power”. And finally, relief! No more disconnects. Apparently there is a bug in the power management of the Bluetooth driver under Windows 7.
Uncheck 'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power'
Uncheck 'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power'
I can’t say for sure that the first step of making the Bluetooth Support Service automatic is necessary, or just turning off power management would fix it. It doesn’t hurt to change it to automatic so I didn’t test this. If you test it, post your results. Are both changes needed, or do you just need to turn off power management to stop losing connection?



Windows - 最佳化虛擬記憶體

如果要讓 Windows 選擇最佳的分頁檔大小,請按一下 [系統管理大小]。
建議的最小值為您電腦上 RAM 的 1.5 倍,而最大值則為這個數字的 3 倍。
例如,假設您有 256 MB 的 RAM,則最小值應為 384 MB,最大值應為 1152 MB。


Windows - 吃掉所有CPU資源的 svchost.exe

[轉貼自網友:醒來聞到咖啡香(Wake up and smell the Coffee)]

svchost.exe 吃掉所有 CPU 資源的原因很多,不過我的狀況都是在執行 Windwos Update 時發生的(或是自動更新服務 Automatic Updates 執行時)。因此解決方法主要就是把 Windows 的自動更新重設一次,步驟如下:

1. 點「開始」–>「執行」,輸入「services.msc」後按「確定」。
2. 在服務「Automatic Updates」上點二下。
3. 點選「登入」頁籤,確定登入身分為「本機系統帳戶」且「允許服務與桌面互動」“沒有”被選取。
4. 確認服務已在目前的「硬體設定檔」中被啟用,如果沒有,按下「啟用」按鈕。
5. 點選「一般」頁籤,確定「啟動類型」為「自動」,然後按下「啟動」按鈕以啟動服務。
6. 對「Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) 」服務重覆 2 ~ 5 的步驟。

二、接著重新註冊 Windwos Update 的元件。
1. 點選「開始」–>「執行」。
2. 輸入「REGSVR32 WUAPI.DLL」後按 Enter。
3. 當看到 “DllRegisterServer 在 WUAPI.DLL 成功” 的訊息後按下「確定」。
4. 重覆上述步驟重新註冊下列元件

三、最後清除可能已損壞了的 Windows Update 暫存目錄。
1. 點「開始」–>「執行」,輸入「cmd」後按「確定」。
2. 在命令提示字元中鍵入以下指令。(若出現錯誤訊息請先重開機後再報執行一次)
net stop WuAuServ
2. 點「開始」–>「執行」,輸入「%windir%」後按「確定」。
3. 找到「SoftwareDistribution」並更名為「SDold」。
4. 點「開始」–>「執行」,輸入「cmd」後按「確定」,並在在命令提示字元中鍵入以下指令。
net start WuAuServ



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